
Voice Search Ads

Voice Search Ads

Stephanie Haun, Michelle Rapp, Christian Traulsen and Jennifer Wißmann What is Voice Search? For readers in a hurry, there is a video at the end of this article that explains Voice Search Ads in a…


Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence has been around since the 50s, but the beginnings go back even further. In 1912, Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres y Quevedo built a functioning electric chess computer – who only mastered the endgame…

Viral Marketing

In today’s fast and busy world companies are trying to make up new kinds of marketing tactics. One very useful and effective marketing strategy is viral marketing. It is a marketing technique which spreads a…

Influencer Marketing

Definiton  Influencer marketing is a form of marketing. A third person advertises products for a brand or an enterprise. Influencer marketing is based on cooperations and Influencers can reach certain target groups better. It’s the…